Dmitry graduated from the Odessa State Sea Academy in 1999. He also studied Supply Chain Management at The University of Cranfield in Great Britain.
For over 16 years he has worked in transportations and the process of organising a chain of delivery, and managing that chain in the broadest sense. This chain may encompass both deliveries of raw materials needed for production and management of material resources at an enterprise, delivery to warehouses and distribution centres, sorting, handling, and final distribution at the points of consumption. In the context of transportation services, the main service is that of delivering cargo across a delivery route. The process of organising a chain of delivery, and managing that chain in the broadest sense. This c hain may encompass both deliveries of raw materials needed for production and management of material resources at an enterprise, delivery to warehouses and distribution centres, sorting, handling, and final distribution at the points of consumption. In the context of transportation services, the main service is that of delivering cargo across a delivery route.
For the last eight years, he has held a senior role in Russian and international Companies, and has been a member of the Management Board and the Boa rd of Directors.
Dmitry has also worked at P&O Nedlloyd and Maersk and for several years chaired the Safmarine Company in Eastern Europe and held the position of Director of Logistics for the Sollers Company.
In November 2009, he was appointed to the pos t of Sales Director of TransContainer
An active participant in transport and logistics forums and conferences, he has also published a range of articles in the Russian and international press.