
Dr. Dermot Carey

Dr. Dermot Carey
MD and Founder, MRM Ltd

Dr. Derm ot Carey is an experienced management consultant, trainer and business coach. He is a Doctor of Business Administration and part of his research focused on the implementation and application of Integrated Supply Chain Management Processes, Systems and Str uctures in a complex business environment. He formed MRM Ltd in 1990 in Ireland dedicated to Change Management, Business Process Re - Engineering with a specialist interest in Procurement & Supply Chain Management. His career spans 47 years, he has held a number of senior management positions in both the private and public sectors. In twenty two years of consultancy he has successfully completed many major assignments in a variety of industries at home and overseas.

He holds a number of strategic and advisory roles for private and public sector organisations. He is a regular speaker at conferences internationally. He is a visiting lecturer on Masters Programmes for colleges in Ireland the UK and Europe including prof essional bodies such as: CILT, IIPMM and SCLG.

Dr. Carey’s experience includes such sectors as Healthcare, Telecommunications, Software Development, FMCG, Pharmaceuticals, Aerospace, Construction Industry Federation, Aircraft Maintenance, Airlines, Defen ce, Financial Services, Computer Manufacturing, Education, Clothing, Confectionery, Electronics, Engineering, Government Departments, Logistics, Mail Order, Oil & Gas Exploration & Drilling, Print, Railways, Retail, Steel Manufacturing, Software Supplies, and Ship Building. This experience was gained in Ireland, UK, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Malaysia, and the USA.

He is a DBA graduate from The Nottingham Trent University. Earlier research included an MPhil at Strathclyde University and an MSc at the Un iversity of Ulster. He was a founder member of the North/South Public Procurement Initiative. He has a number of publications and is co - author of a Premier Reference book published in January 2012 “Supply Chain Innovation for Competing in Highly Dynamic M arkets”.

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